Luar Biasa! Mahasiswa FSH UIN Bandung Pertama Lulus dengan Jurnal Internasional



Mahasiswa Pertama Jurusan Ilmu Hukum (IH) Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum (FSH) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung dinyatakan lulus dengan penulisan artikel ilmiah yang dimuat pada Jurnal Internasional.

Dekan FSH, Prof. Dr. Fauzan Ali Rasyid, M.Si, menjelaskan mahasiswa tersebut, Alvan Rahfiansyah Lubis dengan dosen pembimbingnya Prof Dr H Tajul Arifin MA. dan Dr Ine Fauzia M.Sc. yang membahas tentang Reviewing Victimology in the Doxing Case of an Indonesian Virtual Youtuber dimuat pada Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science , 2 (6), March, 2023:2559-2572.

The rapid development in technology has caused a revolution in the entertainment world in Indonesia. This development created a new profession called virtual Youtuber. A virtual Youtuber is someone who has another identity and hides behind an animation which is often called an avatar, therefore a phenomenon arises where virtual Youtubers are spread their personal data which is commonly called doxing. Therefore, this paper wants to analyze how the review of victimology in Indonesia and how the review of victimology on doxing cases against virtual Youtubers (Chloe Papua, Naminae Sae, and also Fay Kuroda) in Indonesia. By using the juridical-empirical research method where legal research through the formulation or application of normative law in a group of people who are in and involved with virtual Youtubers. The most important finding in this study is how the justice system in Indonesia which uses an offender oriented system where the criminal process is more likely to focus on the perpetrator does not provide a restorative justice effect, therefore it is often encountered that victims do not know the full extent of the rights they should have obtained, this condition makes it limited to law enforcement that is applied but far from being fair to victims.

“Luar biasa, Selamat. Mudah-mudahan menjadi motivasi, inspirasi bagi mahasiswa lain untuk terus meningkatkan publikasi ilmiah,” tegasnya, Selasa (13/6/2023)